This topic is a perfect topic for me to write about. The teacher I am working with in my field hours is SO great at actively engaging the students. That is one reason why I enjoy her so much! There are many many different things that she does to actively engage the class. One thing that I really like are tokens. The students have opportunities to earn tokens each day, and turn them in for prizes. The students try to be on very good behavior, write neatly, listen well, etc. so that they can earn tokens. If they are working in groups or tables, then their group or table will often have a chance to earn the tokens, so they are encouraging each other to be good or do well so that the whole group can earn one! If the class or a student is acting up, the teacher can threaten that they won't get tokens or she will take tokens away, and that whips them right back in to shape, usually :)
Another way the teacher actively involves the class, is during writing. They have journals that they write in each day, and she picks a student to go to the front of the class and share their journal entry on the overhead. It's so fun for the students to be in front of the class, and share their work!
One more thing the class did that had everyone very involved was plays. The class was split into groups and each given a script. Each student had to memorize their part, and the teacher brought a bunch of different paper and feathers and things so that they could put together costumes! The class loved it, and it was a very actively engaging activity!
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